Impressions of Dharamsala…suite et fin

For a trip that was three months in the planning and just four days in the executing, my visit to Dharamsala certainly left a lot of impressions on my mind. And now I know the reason why. I had promised myself this at the beginning of 2017, not knowing that the quote is credited to … Continue reading Impressions of Dharamsala…suite et fin

Impressions of Dharamsala- those magnificent men in their driving machines.

Bye-bye Ola, Uber, Meeru and all the rest of them. No kaali-peelis, either. Or buses. Just a few auto-rickshaws of indeterminate colour. For visitors to Dharamsala, the best way to get around is by using the services of private or individual cab owners. And with every trip, my admiration for these hardy but seemingly tireless … Continue reading Impressions of Dharamsala- those magnificent men in their driving machines.

Impressions of Dharamsala…dogs, Illiteratti, Bahubali and other random stuff.

Travel, as we all know, broadens the mind and can also widen the waistline. When a mind soaks up everything it comes across; like a thirsty sponge, the resulting output can run into several blog posts. I brought back many memories of my stay in Dharamsala- they're now jostling and shoving at each other in … Continue reading Impressions of Dharamsala…dogs, Illiteratti, Bahubali and other random stuff.

Reflections on Dharamsala- the Exiles (part 2)

Tibet, Shangri-La, Roof of the World, a country over two-thirds the size of India or more than two and half times the size of Austria, Denmark, France and Germany put together. A country with a distinct race, with its own spoken and written language, culture, traditions, food and dress. In 1959 the population of Tibet was … Continue reading Reflections on Dharamsala- the Exiles (part 2)

Reflections on Dharamsala- the Exiles (Part 1)

At the Dalai Lama Temple in McLeodGanj, there are the usual hordes of tourists, armed with cameras and selfie sticks, clicking away at everything in sight; even within the sanctum where a board says 'No photography'. There, among the crowds, seated on a bench were these two old ladies, twirling their prayer wheels, fingers busy … Continue reading Reflections on Dharamsala- the Exiles (Part 1)

Reflections on Dharamsala- the river trail

Just when you thought the narrow, stony track couldn't get any worse, it did. Just when you wondered if the jeep could take such a steep and blinding curve, it did.  And that's when you realised what was meant by the term 'River Safari' We were following the river as it made its way between … Continue reading Reflections on Dharamsala- the river trail

Reflections on Dharamsala- the landing.

Desperate to get away from the harsh summer of the plains, we planned a short getaway to Dharamsala, famously known as the land of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in exile. It also happens to be set in the lower reaches of the Himalayas which is home to magnificent pine and cedar forests. And … Continue reading Reflections on Dharamsala- the landing.