Mood swings are tricky. You never know where they can land you. One moment you may be all tra-la-lala, I’m on top of the world and the very next you’re wallowing in despair at the bottom of a deep, dark well.

I though that battling my way through years of menopause would have prepared me pretty well for going back and forth on everything that I felt like doing. Like… Sleep! I’m going to sleep in till noon. Nope, I’m going to bounce out of bed and be a busy bee for the rest of the day. You know- stuff like that. But then, the pandemic and lock down happened and my mood swings got way more moody. Everything became a question of To be or not to be and “the native hue of resolution” became “sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought”

So, before I change my mind about this- Here are my Top 3 To be or Not to be questions.

1. To go out or to stay in:

-This virus is here to stay, so I shall put on my mask, carry sanitizer and sally forth with social distancing. I’m going to get on with my life, so there. Hah.- Nooooo….the virus is airborne, it’s everywhere, stay indoors where you can breathe, inhale, touch any surface and then your face a 100 times a day. Stay home!!This, every time I had to step out for provisions or just because I was going stir crazy.

2. To clean or not to clean:

– Aargh. Look at this mess. I can’t remember the last time I dusted. Why do laundry if I don’t put it away. I’m going to Get moving and clear up everything in sight that’s out of place. Come on, grab the bottle of Colin, a cloth and let us spray!!- Why even bother. Not like anybody’s going to come over. What is the purpose of all this? The whole world has come to a standstill and you’re worrying about a bit of dust. Oh hey, anything new on Netflix?This, when it gets a teensy bit difficult to ignore layers of dust and clutter in every room. The other day I rolled up my sleeves and with the help of some muscle (mine) and Mr. Muscle (the spray), I cleaned the kitchen till the counter was gleaming and the stove was sparkling. Result- I didn’t feel like cooking and messing up the place again. And I didn’t, for the next couple of days. Had it not been for the leftovers and some slices of bread in my fridge, I would have taken intermittent fasting to a whole new level. (Imagine my agony when I do the bathrooms)

3. To cook or not to cook:

A natural progression from the earlier dilemma.- There are days when I want to bustle around briskly, whipping up wholesome, nutritious dishes for myself. Or maybe treat myself to some favourite foods. Savour my own biryani or pasta. Bake a cake or two. Chop, saute and season…the works. I’ll be raring to go. Yeah, let’s do this. (Till I enter the kitchen)- Never mind. Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Let’s see…what can we throw together with minimum effort? And which can be stretched over two days? Hmmm… Cauliflower, again. And, we’re done! Oh hey, what’s new on Netflix?

And when the mood swings become too unpredictable, I think of good old Hamlet. He had got it right- when in a dilemma about what to do or not to do- the best option is… ‘to sleep;To sleep, perchance to dream’

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